Customer Reviews of Linkedin Profile by Standard Writers

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Standard Writer Linkedin Profile

4.6 out of 5
 | 9 reviews
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Yes. We go to every length possible to prove that our customers' reviews are genuine. Some of the ways that we do this;

  • By providing additional timestamps via our Verified Purchase badge.
  • By publishing reviews swiftly whether they are good or bad (as well as responding to them).
  • By continuing to accept and encourage reviews on legitimate 3rd party review sites like TrustPilot and Google alongside our own review platform.
  • As soon as we are able to have our reviews cryptographically signed a la blockchain by our customers, we will!
A profile picture depicting YAN MYO AUNG.
Reviewed on | Advanced LinkedIn Profile |Verified Purchase
This was a disappointing experience that wasted my time.
Reviewed on | Advanced LinkedIn Profile |Verified Purchase

I had to go through several revisions on just my CV. Tons of misspells, and I repeated mistakes. I paid to have a professional CV, Cover letter and Linked. I received non of that as per now.

Amazing LinkedIn Profile
Reviewed on | Professional LinkedIn Profile |Verified Purchase

I hadn't even realized the level of detail you can put into a LinkedIn, much less what recruiters are looking for and what important beats to hit. I did a resume, cover letter, and this linkedin. It's clear I can tell a full story now for recruiters. This LinkedIn profile alone was worth the full price of the entire set. Ian really nailed it with this. I'm confident I have a strong LinkedIn for years to come, and I'd do this investment any time. I'll definitely be coming back in years to come.

Tyler A.
Professional structure
Reviewed on | Professional LinkedIn Profile |Verified Purchase

solid recommendations for my Linkedin profile

Michael Charnley
Absolutely the best
Reviewed on | Professional LinkedIn Profile |Verified Purchase

They are so knowledgeable and knew what were the important aspects of my career to highlight

A profile picture depicting Anne Matthews.
Anne Matthews
Professional resume services
Reviewed on | Professional LinkedIn Profile |Verified Purchase

The ResumeCenter has an excellent secure online system to exchange documents and give feedback during the process. Jeff did a great job of pulling together resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile offering suggestions on how to improve my online presence.

I purchased their services for my niece who is looking to switch careers and she is over the moon with her new resume and cover letter.

A profile picture depicting Bruno Militzer.
Bruno Militzer
LinkedIn Profile is updated to new standards
Reviewed on | Professional LinkedIn Profile |Verified Purchase

Jeff really helped me update my LinkedIn Profile now I have all my experience up to date.

Huge Selling Point
Reviewed on | Professional LinkedIn Profile |Verified Purchase

To have my LinkedIn profile mirror my resume and cover letter is a major plus for me to be seen by my future employers. It's great to have it put together like it was.

Eduardo Denis
Great and helpful team!
Reviewed on | Professional LinkedIn Profile |Verified Purchase

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